T-shirts Long Sleeve

Nomad Design T-SHIRTS LONG SLEEVE feature 100% combed cotton ring spun fabric with a crew neck for a relaxed fit. They are pre shrunk for longer life. Suitable for everyday casual wear. The designs feature soft hand-feel prints and a stylish Nomad neck tape design.

SmallMediumLargeX largeXX largeXXX large
Body Width (in)18.520.5222425.527
Body Length (in)2829303132.534
Please be aware manufacturers tolerances are + or - 2cm

nomad design apparel

fishing shirts, t's, long sleeve t's, hoodie, headwear

nomad design apparel

fishing shirts, t's, long sleeve t's, hoodie, headwear

nomad design apparel

fishing shirts, t's, long sleeve t's, hoodie, headwear