'Crafted by Experience Series' - Episode Teaser

Did we pick our motto out of The Really Big Book of Marketing? Did we throw a bunch of phrases on a whiteboard and have an office contest to pick one? Did we have a Social Media contest? Of course we did none of those things.
Our motto seemed to just happen. It was simply the best answer when asked how a new Lure company in an ocean (sorry) of Lure companies got so successful. An old carpenter once told me "The problem with Experience is the Lesson comes first.", and we learned our lessons by doing...and doing it a LOT all around the globe. Along the way we made changes and upgrades whilst listening to a sea (we just can't help ourselves) of angler voices.
What came of all that trial and error, hard work, open minded-ness ,and necessity was Nomad Design Tackle. And we are 'Crafted By Experience'. End of Story, it will always be that way.
Except it's not the end of the story because we are Nomads and we move, ever restless. This 'Crafted By Experience' video series chronicles a small part of our journey. We will always be adding more videos to this blog and invite you aboard for the ride. Keep an eye here, subscribe to our email list, and stay on our socials and who knows, maybe you will be part of our next lesson.
Here is a small teaser of where we have been so far. Enjoy.