Flying Fish Lure survives being dragged down the highway for 7 miles and catches fish

We came across a video a few months back where our good friend Joe had a problem with the wings on a 140 Flying fish Lure. The bolts had been overtightened on a bunch of these lures on the first production run and were breaking. Not ideal, but you have to break a few eggs to make a cake as they say. We were on this issue real quick, but a few escaped into the market and we quickly replaced any defective stock. We knew the lures were super strong when assembled properly and they catch fish like crazy.
We sent Joe VT Fishing a couple of fixed up replacements to try out. This Video is pretty funny at the end when he drags it down the highway. Enjoy!! The Flying Fish lure from Nomad is legit and it does what we say it does. It catches fish and it's super tough.
The flying fish is perfect when used for:-
- Kite fishing in any situation from Tuna to Salifish
- Slow trolled at 2kn super long out the back when you know fish are around. At slow speed they look like a real flying fish sitting just waiting to be eaten and you don't need a kite to replicate this.
- Set out out long when drifting because they are made to float just for this.
- Troll them at 6-7kn in a normal tuna or marlin spread
- Use them as teasers when tuna fishing or sailfish and marlin fishing.